Setting Up MongoDB Server

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that is used by to store data. You can set up a MongoDB server on your server or use a cloud service like MongoDB Atlas.

It is recommended to use a MongoDB Atlas server as it is easy to set up and manage and has a generous free tier.

Follow these steps to claim you free Mongo Server via MongoDB Atlas:

  1. Go to MongoDB Atlas

  2. Sign up for an account

  3. Click on the Build a Cluster button

    1. Choose the free M0 tier

    2. Enter any random cluster name of your choice

    3. Choose any of the available provider, recommended AWS

    4. Choose the region closest to you

    5. Click on the Create Deployment button

    6. Wait for the cluster to be created

  4. After Your free cluster is created, a new window Connect to Cluster0 will popup

    1. Fill out the fields Username and Password. Please set a highly secure password as it is the key to your whole database

    2. Click on the Create Database User button

    3. After the user is created, click on Choose a connection method button

    4. Under the Add your connection string into your application code section copy the displayed connection string

    5. Your connection String should be in this format - mongodb+srv://<your-username>:<password>@<cluster-name><cluster-name>

    6. Replace the <password> with the password you set in the previous steps

    7. Save the connection string securely for future use

    8. Close the Dialog Box

  5. Go to the Network Access page via the sidebar

    1. Click on Add IP Address button

    2. Click on ALLOW ACCESS FROM ANYWHERE button and press Confirm

  6. Congratulations 🎉 you have successfully setup your free mongoDB server

  7. The Connection String created in the previous steps is very crucial for hosting the server, store it securely

Self Hosting
Creating Webhooks